H2-Hydrogen Therapy
“Hydrogen has now been demonstrated to have therapeutic effects in over 170 different human and animal disease models, and in essentially every organ of the human body [5]. The main reason for this is because H2 helps attenuate excessive oxidative stress and inflammation, both of which are at the root of virtually every disease and pathology [1, 2].”

The Hydrogen molecule is the smallest molecule/ atom. It is also gives freely it’s electron which makes it an antioxidant. Oxidative stress is the cause of disease. Because Hydrogen is such a small molecule it can go depths deeper into tissues which other antioxidants cannot, eg vit c and vit e (as a tocotrienol). It is also the purest antioxidant. Places it can reach that are harder for larger molecules are places such as the brain, neurons, and the eyes to name a few.
Therefore, theoretically, Hydrogen is able to help with MANY diseases/conditions. Studies are still in progress. Here is a list of all the studies, which inclues EVERY SINGLE ORGAN in the body.
There is medical administration of Hydrogen Gas. But at home, you can simply take Hydrogen Water.

“Hydrogen as a medical gas is also growing because it has immediate medical applications to help with many of the current health crises [65, 66]. Dixon and colleagues of Loma-Linda University reported that hydrogen has potential to help with the top 8/10 disease-causing fatalities as listed by the Centers of Disease Control [67]. Dr. Banks, from the VA/U of Washington, reported that ingestion of hydrogen-rich water was protective against neurodegenerative changes induced by traumatic brain injury in mice [68]. Their results show that hydrogen administration reduced brain edema, blocked pathological tau expression, and maintained ATP levels. This and other studies have profound effects for events where brain injury (e.g. concussion, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, etc.) is a common occurrence [69]. Although many people report dramatic effects of hydrogen therapy, from rapid pain and inflammation relief to normalization of glucose and cholesterol levels, other people may not notice any immediate or observable benefits. Hydrogen is not considered a powerful drug, and as mentioned only helps bring the cell/organ back to homeostasis without causing major perturbations. Perhaps some of the reported dramatic effects can be attributed to the placebo effect or other things, although some researchers have noted that some people are more sensitive to hydrogen and experience greater effects. More human studies are needed to answer these questions.”
Smallest & Purest Antioxidant