Andreas Moritz’ Liver Flush

An Easy Way to Detox the Liver
The Liver is the Master Detoxifier of the Body. Why would you not clean it out?
We live in a toxic world. There’s so much coming into our body that needs to filter through the liver before reaching our bloodstreams. The liver is the master detoxifier. It comes into contact with everything we eat and drink. It filters. It transforms molecules. It digests. Without the liver, we could not survive even a day.
Because of all the toxins that come in and out of our bodies, the liver takes its toll. According to Andreas Moritz, these stones can be found in the liver as well as the gallbladder. We know that people who have had their gallbladders out can still have gallstones. There are so many people who have had their gallbladders taken out because of a massive influx of stones, and it just takes one of those stones to get stuck to cause a massive amount of pain. But what if you could get rid of all those stones on your own? And when you get rid of those stones, you are freeing up a pathway for your liver to work even more effectively and efficiently. And here is an easy way to do it according to Andreas Moritz’ Amazing Liver and Gallbladder Flush.
I’ve been doing my flushes for years. It really is an easy way to detox the body. This book is actually the book that opened my eyes to everything else holistic. I didn’t know we all carried stones around. Every time I flushed I expelled so many stones, probably around a hundred each time. I’m only 43 and I weigh about 70kg. I think a lot of people would benefit from doing a liver flush. Working in the hospital, I see a lot of older people coming in with liver failure who do not drink alcohol or do drugs. They are just normal people doing normal things. Everything in our toxic man-made world is accumulating in our bodies and without the liver’s biohazard waste management program, we can not really heal completely.
I have also attached some pictures of some of the stones I have expelled. Mine are actually not that big. One person in the book said he expelled a stone the size of a golf ball! Read Below on how to do the liver flush at home.
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*Disclamer: The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition.
the actual liver flush -read first before doing
1. Colon Cleanse
Your colon must be clean, free of fecal debris before you do the liver flush. An easy and effective way is to take an Epsom Salt drink daily. Mix one teaspoon in a glass of water. Drink every morning for three weeks.
2. Prep your Liver for 6 days
For six days (actually seven including the actual liver flush day), you must drink 32 ounces of apple juice daily in addition to your normal daily water intake It’s acidic and can be a little harsh on the stomach so you may dilute it with water. The Malic Acid in the apple juice softens the stones. If I have any stomach issues I will take a couple activated charcoal to take away the pain. Avoid eating until you are full. Avoid fried foods. Avoid eating too much protein. Avoid cold beverages. The best time to do the liver flush is during the new moon. Avoid doing it on a full moon.
3. The Actual Flush on day Seven
In the morning, finish drinking your last 32 ounce apple juice. Eat light. Steamed Vegetables and Rice is good. Avoid eating after 1pm (assuming you sleep at 10pm). You are going to need 2-3 fresh grapefruits and a 1/2 cup of olive oil so make sure you have that. If you cannot find grapefruit, Orange and Lemon in equal parts will work. Make sure to leave them out at room temperature.

4. The Actual Flush Evening and Next Morning -Stay at home because you will be eliminating your bowels frequently.
This is all assuming you sleep at 10 pm so adjust the times according to your schedule.
6pm – Make your Epsom Salt Concoction. (Drinking the Epsom Salt drink is the hardest thing to do in my opinion because the taste is very bitter – but just hang in there. If you have to squeeze some lemon in there because of the taste you may do so. ) Add 4 Tablespoons of Epsom Salts (magnesium sulfate) to a total of 24 ounces (three 8 ounce glasses) filtered water. This makes 6-oz. servings. Drink your first portion (3/4 glass) now. Drinking this is VERY important. It makes you eliminate your bowels and it also DILATES your bile ducts. Leave your grapefruit or lemon and oranges out at room temperature.
8pm – Drink your second serving (3/4 glass) of Epsom Salt. You should be eliminating your bowels by now. If you have not, you can do a water enema.
9:45 – (prepare grapefruit and olive oil drink. If you don’t have grapefruit, equal parts of fresh lemon and orange will work.) Make sure you have an airtight container you can shake your drink in. A Blender Bottle will do. I use a Mason Jar. Make 3/4 cup fresh-squeezed grapefruit juice. Add 1/2 cup of olive oil into your airtight container with a leak proof lid.
10pm – (This should be your bedtime). Stand next to your bed. Shake your grapefruit and olive oil drink at least 20 times until well-mixed. Drink it as fast as you can – no longer than 5 minutes. I usually down it, no problem. Immediately lie down. Make sure your head is higher than your abdomen. Put your head on two pillows (or fold your pillow in half). Close your eyes and lie completely still. Try not to talk. Focus on your liver (the left upper quadrant of your abdomen). Lie there quietly for at least twenty minutes. You will feel your liver and gallbladder expelling something and you may feel a marble -like feeling in that area. That’s the stones coming out! You may fall asleep at this time. If you have to have a bowel movement throughout the night, do so.
6am – Upon awakening, drink your third (3/4 glass) of Epsom Salt.
8am – Drink your fourth and last (3/4 glass) of Epsom Salt.
You will be going to the bathroom frequently and you will see many stones come out. How awesome is that? Andreas Moritz recommends doing this monthly until you have no more stones on 2 consecutive flushes. I finally had no stones come out on my last flush and I did it about six times this year.
You can start eating again around noon. But eat light, your liver just went through a major surgical-like procedure.
If we all did this, there would be no more gallbladder attacks and we wouldn’t have to have it surgically removed. I wish everyone would do it to keep up with their health and detox. It would be amazing.
1. Metabolism
2. Production of Bile, Glucose, Proteins, and Cholesterol
3. Stores Glucose, Nutrients, and Minerals
4. Filters and cleans blood of Toxic Chemicals
5. Bile Production

Pictures of some of the stones I flushed out—>
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