The Best Workout according to NASA?
“Rebound exercise is “the most efficient and most effective form of exercise yet devised by man…(because) it does not just strengthen the muscles, but it strengthens every single cell of the body, both muscle and non-muscle.
Bruce Fife, N.D.
“68% more effective than jogging.” – Study by NASA
Download the NASA Study

I’ve had my rebounder for about ten years. I only started using it religiously in the past three. I’m 43 right now and I think I’m pretty in shape for my age. I bounce on it at least three times a week for at least 20 minutes each day. My chiropractor recommended it one day after a session. I had been going to him for three years. I’m into everything he recommends. He was much older and wise, and he was one of the first people I knew who introduced me to many holistic modalities. He taught me many things, but the REBOUNDER is probably the BEST recommendation he ever had!
The rebounder is incredible because it simultaneously works out every single muscle in the body, inside and out.
1. Easy on the Joints
2. Strengthen Cells and Improves Cardiovascular Development
3. Can Improve Immune System Function due to Lymph Flow
4. Helps with Balance
5. Builds Physical Strength, Muscular Development, and Proprioception
I didn’t really use it the first seven years that I had it. It was just collecting dust. I even let my sister borrow it for one year. She let it collect more dust. But the times that I did use it I was able to have better endurace and was able to sprint faster without getting the wind knocked out of me. I worked in a hospital and when I would have to respond to a Code Blue I would run up the stairs as fast as I could. I would usually run up a flight or two of stairs but I noticed a peculiar thing. When I was using my rebounder I could fly up those stairs swiftly and confidently. If I were to get winded, the recovery was fast. I remember one time I responded to a Code Blue and I ran alongside one of the doctors who was a runner. We ran up two flights of stairs together and I met his endurace and speed. I think I was 40 at the time. He actually looked more winded than me.
The main reason my chiropractor bought his rebounder was to not have surgery. His doctor said he needed surgery on a hiatal hernia. After jumping on the rebounder, he did not need it anymore. It had resolved. Which also comes to mind that I too had an out pouching in the left lower quadrant of my abdomen every time I would sneeze. I had it for years, probably seven or eight, getting worse as the years went by. After I bought my trampoline, I noticed that out-pouching had disappeared. Sneezing was no longer a painful experience. I surmise it was a hernia as well. Even my husband used it after he lifted something heavy and felt a pain pouch in his groin. He didn’t believe me when I said it took away mine, but he used it anyways and Viola! Gone! I mean, it’s just a guess, but I think the rebounder healed the hernias. If it didn’t I don’t know what else did.
I’ve had my rebounder for SO long and it’s still going strong. It’s even been outside in the elements: extreme heat, extreme cold, wind, and rain. I left it in the backyard for two years. It still looks and works the same. I highly recommend the rebounder I bought, the cellerciser. It will truly last a lifetime. Bungee trampolines are great. I have nothing against them, but I do not think they will stand the test of time. It’s been worth every penny and more! My whole family uses it and it will keep us out of a surgery suite.
Scroll down for the actual NASA study.
The information provided should not be used for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, and those seeking personal medical advice should consult with a licensed physician. Always seek the advice of your doctor or other qualified health provider regarding a medical condition.
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